Why Tiger Woods has impressed me
I have seen a lot about the now infamous lynching comment by the Golf Channel reporter and subsequent feature cover spread with the noose on it. Many people came out and denounced it rightfully so it could be argued. But I think the best reaction was from Tiger himself, he did not call anybody out, he accepted a sincere apology from the person who made it, and he let it go. As in letting it go he showed calm restraint in doing the whole process. He acted like a gentlemen, not saying this or that or making him out to be anything more then what he is.
That takes a lot of guts to do that IMHO, to act above the people who would say they speak for you or say they have all the answers. Tiger Woods showed that he is the best sports man in the world of today. He did not spout off and was overly condemning. He showed class and said that he can not be everything for everybody, thats true honesty and integrity IMHO.
Thats why I have been impressed by Tiger woods through this whole incident. He showed that even when you have a crisis like that, you handle it with it integrity and calm demeanor.
We need more people like him in this world, to be a good role model is to not always be everything for everybody or have all the answers to society's problems.