[MEGA MERGE] Will be one of the most epic losses ever! FIRE ALLEN TONIGHT!

Until it can be proven otherwise, the Saints are a cursed organization. I have never seen an organization with more injuries, questionable officiating calls, on the wrong side of probability busting events, player gaffs, or coaching errors ALLLLL at high leverage moments. Their ability to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory is only exceeded by the Falcons.

Tonight, for the first time in over 40 years, I legit said Elf this team. Elf them (lolol), if they don't wanna win, if don't care as much as the fans, why should we. Seriously. On to watching football in the NFL, non-Saints related. At their heart they are losers. They do what losers do. Lose. Repeatedly and often and when it counts the most. Thankfully we got to see one SB Win.

At their heart, they simply are losers. They ARE losers. We all saw it coming as error after error piled up, despite the double-digit lead. We KNEW if there was a way to totally screw this up, the inept coaches and substandard players would find a way to do it. And they did.

The WORST part about it will be the pundits GHIZZING themselves taking about TB12.

I'm summation, ELF THEM!!

(This message and its contents in its entirety are brought to you by the number 4, the color, black, and the Church of Latter Day Saints.)