Jeff Duncan on Sean Payton 2023

Of course. My point is that being a “fallback” doesn’t lead to a lack of commitment.

Two years is a long time in coaching.

This isn't a possibility I even considered a couple of days ago and so I'll admit I can't weigh it without some serious skepticism. Skeptical that there's any real merit to it, but if there is, skeptical that it's a net-win for the Saints *unless* it comes with a renewed commitment from Payton that New Orleans is where he wants to be longterm, backed up by an extension. There's always the possibility that being away from the Saints has made him long for what he had, but then it would sure be nice if the reporting put the Saints in front for his return. That's apparently not the case.

So that leaves me wondering if there's an angle here that isn't obvious beyond the initial excitement of: oh, hey, Payton might want to come back! Two years isn't that long in coaching if it's a pre-determined split again in two years.

I know there has been some debate about how exactly the Saints rights to Payton work; whether it's the remaining two years through 2024 or if it's the remaining two years through perpetuity. If it's the latter, then something has to give for Payton to make a return to coaching, which could be the undercurrent to these emerging rumors.