I think the issue is that there was a conversation that needed to take place in the writer's room last year, and it didn't happen. That conversation would have gone something like this:
Exec 1: "Guys, I finished reading through the story for this season, and I have a quick question. We are building to a dramatic finale' where John wins the governorship, punking out Jamie, and Beth forces Jamie to kill his father and takes photos, right?"
Exec 2: "Yeah, that's going to be an awesome end to the season."
Exec 1: "You DO realize that's also the beginning of next season, right?"
Exec 2: "What do you mean?"
Exec 1: "So, next season will see John taking the governor's desk, so he won't be able to be involved in the day to day operations of the ranch, and he'll have to make sure he keeps his nose somewhat clean. And, Jamie will be essentially neutered, since anything he tries to do will risk him being outed as a murderer. Has anyone thought about what we will do next season?"
Exec 2: "It'll probably be ok."
Also, on a side note. I think the reason we've had so much Beth this season is that I think this season is her big goodbye. I suspect she dies before it's over.