Jazz are a bad matchup for us.

They will defend him same way until we make them pay ( when Zion kicks out )

Sink 2-3 15 ft shots in a row, all of a sudden that defense aint looking to wall up

We had our chances last night, just couldnt ice the game. That second to last possession where Zion kicked out to Nance for 3....made me mental. He shoulda drove that ball RIGHT AT the rim. He needs to get that "i want the ball last " mentality - its ok to be greedy their because you ARE that good. Obviously if they collapse on you look to pass.

Trey STRUGGGGGGLED from 3 last 2 games vs Utah - so he had a bit of a mini-slump shooting - and thats usually how we make teams pay for that wall.

conversely, our 3pt defense needs work. We routinely drop down on player drives, and they pop it out to wide open shooter. Beasley was fire, Clarkson was fire last 2 games.

Home court helps.

We also got into foul trouble EARLY AGAIN which never helps.