Jazz are a bad matchup for us.

We might be a bad matchup, but that game yesterday was winnable. We just couldn't get out of our own way with missed shots and bad turnovers.

26 min and 6 points is not a good look for Jonas. He was a non-factor.

I think Trey Murphy often forgets how big he is. I would like to see him utilize his size more if his shots aren't falling.

100% on the "time" of turnovers/missed shots. ( also dumb fouls- i think we started overtime 0-3 and 2 fouls - crazy lack of execution )

Jonas was a non-factor because he got 2 very early fouls which changes things.

We simply didnt utilize him in the paint ( altho we did a MUCH better job of scoring in paint game 2 vs game 1 ) enough and early to get him in rhythm.

Team still growing, our rotation seems to be working itself out and WE STILL HAVE BI sitting.

I was happy to see CJ put up good points, BUT WILL SOMEONE PLEEEEASSE shake this man - we DONT need a 3pter in TRANSITION when rest of team screaming down court to get position, only to have it come RIGHT BACK at us in transition when NO ONE DEFENDING.

His "shot selection" at times leaves me guessing.

BI inclusion will change everything - once he gets his legs and timing back, he is deadly from 12-15ft and unguardable from his spot.