Dennis Allen has the locker room fired up after win vs. Browns

When a player only meeting is called, and your star running back is preaching accountability, the coach has failed. Tom Landry was not a yeller and screamer yet his teams were extremely disciplined and winners. From 1965 to 1985 he did not have a losing season and he was the most stoic coach i have ever seen. Salary cap is not going to be an issue and Payton will be coaching for someone, so we will be getting high draft picks back. And there are only of these 32 jobs. If a change is made, there will be plenty of very good coaches wanting a shot.

Yup….how many of these meetings happened under CSP?

The fact that we finally get a key turnover in week 16 to beat one of the few teams that may be worse than we are does not change my opinion on DA even a little bit….

It’s too late, the season is already lost, I don’t want to go through another lost season with a dead end coach…..