Clinton Smokes Obama in Florida: Kennedy Endorsement Backfires.

In addition the candidates agreed not to campaign there since there was no delegates but Clinton campaigned there a little anyway (surprise). Also, Obama calling Florida a "beauty pageant" since there wasn't any delegates at stake probably didn't help.

No, Florida meant nothing and Hillary's win there isn't an indication of anything. Super Tuesday is D-Day for Obama and his cadre of new found political allies. In many ways it will be a referendum on the lefts growing anger about the identity politics the Clinton's are playing. They have upset a lot of establishment Democrats and I expect we'll start seeing the results of that in polls next week. We're already seeing it on the endorsement front.

Super Tuesday is going to be very interesting. No doubt lots of Dem voters who've been on the fence have been turned off by the Clinton strategy as of late. I received an email from a friend today who was in the Clinton camp before the SC shenanigans. He was so turned off by Slick Willie's race baiting that he's now declaring support for Obama.

However it's still very tough to imagine the Clinton machine failing in this quest.

Man, what a great campaign season it's been.