The Investment Thread
Hello everyone! I'm a public school teacher. I have been since 1985.
I don't actually have a 401k.
I have a 403b. It seems I started it 1997.
I was told that my 403b functions the same as a 401k....they just give it a different classification name because it is for public school teachers.
Thus when talking about it with anyone but my colleagues or my advisor, I just say "401k" so people can relate. Not trying to deceive anyone....just trying not to confuse anyone.
Maybe my "fixed" account is an annuity. :unsure:
Here is a recap from earlier...
I said this to him today:
Steve: "True or False sir.......the fixed account I have with your company can never lose principal?"
Advisor: "True"
Steve: " I was on a forum recently where I stated that I have a 3% rate on this fixed account and someone thought that was really good...and they were asking me for more details".
Advisor: " It says here you started your relationship w/ our company way back in 1997. And....Back in 1997 the rates were better than we entered into a contract(so to speak) with you...guaranteeing you that you would never have a rate that goes lower than 3% for the life of your time with us".