Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

I don't know what kind of gun the child had, but I find it disturbing that he/she knew how to use it, and knew how to use it with accuracy and with the intent to do harm. Our poor children.
A lot of parents teach their kids how to shoot from a very young age. Some take their kids hunting, to the range, etc.

Kids brains aren’t fully developed and the male brain isn’t fully developed until ~25. You can’t just have guns accessible to your children - no matter the age. Kids lie, they pretend to be a much more well behaved person in front of their parents than they do around their peers. It’s just part of being a kid.

I am always annoyed when people try to excuse crap and say “little Johnny knew our guns were not to be played with. He was a good boy! We never thought anything like this would happen”. Like no, Johnny should never have unsupervised access to any guns no matter how good a kid he is because kids make bad decisions all the time. Even the best of them.

I am not anti-guns but I also think that there is far too much irresponsibility with too many ‘responsible’ gun owners (and irresponsible gun owners) and not enough scrutiny for people to be allowed to possess a gun legally therefore ending up in the wrong hands to think that status quo is fine.

The adults need to start being charged when this stuff happens.