Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

A lot of parents teach their kids how to shoot from a very young age. Some take their kids hunting, to the range, etc.

Kids brains aren’t fully developed and the male brain isn’t fully developed until ~25. You can’t just have guns accessible to your children - no matter the age. Kids lie, they pretend to be a much more well behaved person in front of their parents than they do around their peers. It’s just part of being a kid.

I am always annoyed when people try to excuse crap and say “little Johnny knew our guns were not to be played with. He was a good boy! We never thought anything like this would happen”. Like no, Johnny should never have unsupervised access to any guns no matter how good a kid he is because kids make bad decisions all the time. Even the best of them.

I am not anti-guns but I also think that there is far too much irresponsibility with too many ‘responsible’ gun owners (and irresponsible gun owners) and not enough scrutiny for people to be allowed to possess a gun legally therefore ending up in the wrong hands to think that status quo is fine.

The adults need to start being charged when this stuff happens.
Everything you say is absolutely true. I think I didn't make my point very well.
It unsettles me in a big way that a 6 year old has that kind of hate within themselves. What is this kid's life like at home? Think about when you (we) were 6 years old. My siblings and myself fought like a bunch of savages and there was always some playground fights, but in the end we still loved each other or were friends again 10 minutes later.
Guess I'm getting old because I can't wrap my mind around this.