Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

Everything you say is absolutely true. I think I didn't make my point very well.
It unsettles me in a big way that a 6 year old has that kind of hate within themselves. What is this kid's life like at home? Think about when you (we) were 6 years old. My siblings and myself fought like a bunch of savages and there was always some playground fights, but in the end we still loved each other or were friends again 10 minutes later.
Guess I'm getting old because I can't wrap my mind around this.
Yeah I mean my to mention something along these lines as well. When I got mad at 6 years old, I would threaten to run away or go pout in my room or something. Never was I like “hey let me grab dad’s gun and kill so and so”.

So many people expose their children to stuff at a young age that they simply aren’t ready for. What happened to childhood innocence? Some people really don’t need to have children.