LOST -the iconic TV series- Legacy, etc

It would completely work today
At the same time, it would be on HBO or Apple at like 10 episodes a season
That would mean drastic tightening of characters like Hurley, Charlie, Claire
No rose or Bernard et al
Others and Tailies probably don’t get fleshed out

Probably best that it was on network
There's also a better, increased chance that if a show like or similar to Lost was on Apple TV or HBO/Showtime, sure, it may not have as many episodes per season, there aren't as many characters, but the writers, co-producers are made to tell perhaps a better, congruent, down-to-earth sci-fi/fantasy series that has a more finite beginning, middle, and end like Breaking Bad, the Americans, and the Wire did so well and told so efficiently.

You familiar with M. Night Shamalyan's series, Servant, that is debuting its fourth-and-final season next week? Thats a series that has some similar plot analogies, comparisons to Lost, but its more trimmed-down, and its plot, and cast and characters and themes aren't too, top-heavy. Thats probably the kind of show Lost would be or be turned into today. Either that or Lost wouldve been cancelled, after 2-3 seasons, or just one season, like 1899 just was.

Honestly, as good as Lost was, I think Dark was far better and told a more compelling, complex, multi-nuanced characters, and themes over a shorter period of time in just three seasons by Lost six seasons.