Im looking for an unbiased site that lists the positions of the Presidential candidates.
Anybody know of one? Preferably a neutral site that isnt trying to push one candidate over the others. It would also be nice if the site is updated regularly because politicians tend to change their minds to fit their current needs. :hihi:
Im still undecided and I want to see where these guys(and girl....ish.....person) stand on all the issues and compare them to my own beliefs before I start to narrow it down. I mean, I know where some of them stand on some issues but I wanna know where all of them stand on all the issues. I'd also like to see which ones have been the most consistent in their views and which ones have done a lot of back and forth.
I dont want people to think Im looking for a website to tell me who to vote for. I just wanna see all the candidates lined up side by side and compare them before making up my own mind.