Your Own Mortality

I went to Catholic school until 4th grade. It was pretty progressive and was 50/50 lay teachers vs nuns. I really don’t remember being hit figuratively upside the head with eternal damnation

I was literally hit upside the head for rule violations, and I earnt every whuppin I got :hihi:

Yeah I was a Catholic school kid from K-8 and never got overly threatened with damnation. I was a good kid (sneaky) and managed to avoid a lot of arsewhippings from the surprisingly powerful nuns (my grandma was in good with them).

Anyway, I’ve “accepted” the fact that I have an expiration date and there’s nothing I can do about it. I honestly can’t tell you how I feel about that - I’m not sure if I’m scared, angry, or just don’t care; it’s weird to think about.
I did tell my wife that if she outlives me, I want one of them Middle Age, old school Viking type deals. Put my sexy naked body on a wooden boat, sail me out, and then have the archer hit me with a burning arrow in the middle of the lake. “He went out in a blaze of glory.” :covri: