DA is remaining the coach, confirmed by Underhill

I've also had the impression, perhaps incorrectly, that a lot of what transpired was at the direction of Payton, and now Allen, and Loomis is primarily the one to try and deliver.
I think there is a pretty good chance that is exactly what happened. I guess we will eventually know. In fairness I should have added a disclaimer to my post. I'm REALLY not a fan of canning any coach after one year unless it devolves into an Urban Meyer/Jacksonville type of situation. I CAN see that Allen's time with the Raiders might have been the result of a crappy organization and then this year with all the injuries might have been the perfect storm for making him look worse than he actually is. Problem is, we have tons of guys on this site who want him gone and are quick to trot out his actual won/loss record. Those numbers are hard to discount.

My history on this site has been pretty obvious since 1999. A big fault of mine has been giving the HC a benefit of the doubt for just a little too long. That is one of the things that worry me about Allen. I just see too much stuff to let them slide. How he handled the QB situation this year was atrocious. How they game planned Kamara was atrocious. The game plan for Hill was mostly a waste of talent. I'm nervous as hell about this head coach until he proves my suspicions wrong for 2-3 years in a row. Not my happy place.