LOST -the iconic TV series- Legacy, etc

Season 1 was worthwhile on its own; a fresh show with beautiful people using quirky dialogue in a compelling mystery.

Seasons 2-3 were worthwhile only insofar as building a complex mystery that would need a big payoff at the end.

Seasons 4-5 slowly revealed that there would be no payoff.

Season 6 admitted that the writers had no friggin clue what they were doing. Anybody mad about the Game Of Thrones finale needs to remember this BS.
I agree.

Leading up to the finale, I remember having faith that the writers knew what they were doing. I remember believing that, in the end, everything would would make sense from a fan's perspective.

After the show ended, I realized they were just making things up as they went.

Few shows can capture the attention of a big chunk of the country. Lost was one those shows and it was fun while it lasted.