LOST -the iconic TV series- Legacy, etc

I agree.

Leading up to the finale, I remember having faith that the writers knew what they were doing. I remember believing that, in the end, everything would would make sense from a fan's perspective.

After the show ended, I realized they were just making things up as they went.

Few shows can capture the attention of a big chunk of the country. Lost was one those shows and it was fun while it lasted.

The best part to me were the show message boards and show themed fake websites with clues. Theory discussions were fun and you could send questions to Carlton and Damon and they released videos once a week discussing the show and answering questions. I had a few questions read over the years. I trusted they had it all mapped out and would wrap it all up... until the end. But it was the most interactive show I've ever experienced. I thought it would happen more often after that.