DA is remaining the coach, confirmed by Underhill

Answers: two of our top 4 players were injured most if not all of the season, our superstar RB wasn’t good, and we have a bottom 10 QB situation. Any other questions?

And the year before, we had Trevor Simien, Jameis Winston, Ian Book and Taysom HIll. Kamara missed 4 games. THomas missed 17. We had more starters due to injury that any other team in NFL history. We played a home game in Jacksonville, practiced in texas, went though a major hurricane, lost coaches to covid and on and on and on. We still had a winning record, which would have been good enough to win the division this year.

The excuses in 2021 far outweigh whatever excuses you have in 2022. The difference is, we found way to win more that we lost in 2021 despite excuses. In 2022, they were just excuses.

Keep supporting failure with excuses though. Let us know when you think Captain .283 isnt the right guy anymore.