AAFL League?

Strike 1! From FAQ:

Will beer and other alcoholic beverages be sold at the games?

Alcoholic beverages will not be available in games played in a host university's stadium. The availability of alcoholic beverages at other venues will be determined based upon the arrangements for those venues. (No beer will be sold at home games for Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Gainesville-based games for Florida. I don't know how they will count Legion Field -- doesn't UAB play there?)

FWIW, I think it's hilarious that a league started by college football's biggest idiots errrrrrrrrrr officials can come up with a three-team playoff for a six team league, but they can't errrrrrrrrrrrrr won't come up with any playoff for a 120-something team league.

I'm prediciting that, after an intial spike, the ratings and attendance for this will plummet ala the XFL. As a fan of football, I hope I'm wrong.