Education / Teaching thread

It's almost entirely a parenting issue... There are just as many rouge rich kids out there screwing up schools as their are working class poor kids... both lack basic home training and parenting (empathy, respect, motivation, emotional stability). Economics play a part to some degree in a parents' availability on both ends of the spectrum... but in the end it's the responsibility of the parent to raise their children - not the school system. Money don't fix bad non-existent parenting.... and Schools can't teach kids to be decent humans... nor should they be tasked with doing so.
Columbine was done by two very well off kids. The guy who killed a couple people at MSU years ago was well off also.

There are a lot of mental health issues at play. Problem is that as much as it’s talked about very little is actually done, or can be. There are kids walking all over which have major mental issues. I have 2 in my classes. But what can be done, really done to fix mental issues?