Education / Teaching thread

Sickening but not shocking. We've got kids that have literally brought weapons to school that won't be expelled because they have an IEP. This profession isn't just full of disrespect and stress, it's literally dangerous.

Also, I'll add this: admin is not your ally. Get along with then where you can but expect then to throw you under the bus asap if it benefits them. Be professional, but do not bend over backwards for them. They will screw you at the first available opportunity.
Absolutely true. Admin is not tenured, and so will lie to protect themselves. Admin will shoot itself in the foot by trying to dismiss special ed teachers. It's all about testing and state/federal funding related to testing. You lose special ed teachers, these kids don't make the grade and then funding is cut. However, admin can't make this simple connection, and fails to realize the board of ed will not protect them either. The following year the school is "reconstituted" and poor admins are moved to other schools where they continue to suck.

Very broken system and we're seeing the results. Working in healthcare and seeing the disrespect shown to nurses, therapists, and other employees, it's a wonder there's anyone left in schools and hospitals. We certainly don't get rich, and companies prey on our altruism. Eventually our altruism runs dry leaving us with a jaded bitter cynicism. I've seen it some of my staff who are in their 20's. It took me 15-20 years to get this jaded, they're on the fast track.