Education / Teaching thread

. However, admin can't make this simple connection, and fails to realize the board of ed will not protect them either.
I’ve no love for admin - in all my years I’ve had one good HS admin and one in college
And while it might seem that boards of Ed take the most feckless and burnt out core teachers and gives them a year of training to not directly answer questions and to play parents off of teachers; I don’t think that’s the case
Largely they do the (bad) job they are incentivized to do
Education may or may not happen in classes depending on the mix of students, teachers and material
But ‘schooling’ seems largely a matter of crowd/behavior control to varying degrees
And admins aren’t incentivized to fix problems (which would probably need money) they’re incentivized to make the problems go away, which usually means pushing them down hill and since currently teachers are on the lowest rung of the hierarchy of power (generally) the burden falls largely on teachers