The Brock Corollary

Brock Osweiler relieved an injured Peyton Manning, and played far beyond what anyone had thought him capable of. Peyton healed, came back in the for the playoffs, and Denver won the big one.

That off-season Osweiler signed a VERY lucrative deal with Houston, compared to how few games he actually played.

His remaining years in the NFL is uninspiring at best, to be polite.

Now, this year, Mr. Irrelevant, the last man picked in the draft, gets pressed into service, for a very talented team, and he took, plays far better than pretty much anyone could've guessed possible.

Unfortunately, for him, his season ended last night, when he took got hurt, and lightning didn't strike twice for the 49ers. His backup (who would have been the 4th string, had he been on the roster when the season started)

I imagine Purdy is still under contract, but that doesn't mean that some QB hungry team isn't going to sniff around; "kick the tires", so to speak.

Question is: given the ironic similarity of first name, will Osweiler's history hurt Purdy's shot elsewhere?
Purdy is under contract with SF for the next 3 years at minimum salary. Even if SF was willing to give him a new contract they can't until after he has been on the roster for 3 years.