Neal Boortz NOLA "a city of parasites"
Jim, its interesting you mention that because the South was heavily democratic for nearly 100 years after the Civil War, then a funny thing happened, the Democratic Solid South became Republican. Its an issue that had been talked at ad nauseum since two importnat events: The Civil War and the 1964 Civil Rights Act, when the latter was signed by LBJ, his party kissed the south good bye, he even said so to one of his aides, Bill Moyers at the time it was signed. Reb could tell you just the same. The South has a tradition of having populist politicians but not making it for everybody, call it racism, which it may be, or demanding a better explanation then the one I am giving. Many Southerners hated being forced back into the Union after the Civil War and then being from their perspective forced to accept integration in the 60's. Too much baggage, Jimmy. You have too many people in the South I think that remember the events of carpet baggers and opportunists who exploited them after the Civil War. that hate is not easily removed. Many civil rights workers were called carpet baggers and opportunists in the 60's and the word liberal has come to mean something from the North and/ or someone who wants to change the South. that sentiment may not be as strong as it once was, but it still exists I think in many parts of the South.
Too many memories and too much baggage, Jimmy. Its 150 years in the making and God only knows when it will end.
Just giving a historical perspective on it Jim's comments