Another bad school assignment

and something to consider - just because he didn't seem to be offended doesn't mean he wasn't (or if not offended, at least noticed)

Maybe he said something to your daughter afterward "what was up with the chicken and waffles?"

Maybe he didn't say anything to her but brought it up to his own friends and family

Or it's very possible he truly wasn't offended by it at all and didn't give it a second thought
Let me ask this question. I don’t know your race but if you were black and we were friends and I invited you over to dinner and made pork chops and collards would you be offended?

My neighbor attempts southern food all the time. He brings me southern food and asks me how it compares. I don’t find it offensive in the least. Comical maybe. I think everyone on this planet likes food. It’s is one of those things that binds us and makes us proud of who we are.

If I made the pork chops and collards and said “that’s all black folks eat right” vs “hey man I made pork chops and collards” then I for sure see the difference.

I mean there is an entire line of food called soul food that is celebrated.

Ultimately I hope no one here is offended by my comments. I am trying to explain my view and also understand another’s.