I think retirement is a pipe dream...

I don't think retiring in the US for me is an option. It's just gotten too insanely expensive. And the political climate seems to be getting worse and worse..

I have a 401k, but due to unstable jobs/medical problems only started saving at 30. I make good money, but am going to have to make a considerable amount more if I want to retire anywhere near 65 AND be able to afford a good homebase in the US. Especially where i live out west, prices are astronomical. That's been a bit of a point of contention between my s/o and I...she wants a pricy home that we invest in, I want something much cheaper or alternative (townhouse, small condo, whatever) that we could pay off early and be able to enjoy life without shoveling all of our money into a roof over our heads.

Retire one of these places and 'get by' on very little while doing a lot of traveling, maybe work p/t in some sort of consulting role. Might even look to move there now and just visit a rental home we have here stateside when we want to see family. That's the plan for now.