Derek Carr world tour thread (updated with combine visits)

Is it possible that the offensive play calling was hindered by having mostly backups in all season? 2 rookie receivers, a developing former WR at TE, shifting starting Oline lineups and a quarterback that was never intended to start likely contributed to a lot of the vanilla playcalling. PC isn’t Payton but he was around all those years and did have a lot of success when he was given the opportunity to be the play caller. I’d like to see what he can do with an offense that stays healthy and with a smart, talented QB before writing all that history off and accepting that he’s just a terrible OC.
This wasn’t a progressive thing. The horrible play calling was apparent the first half of week 1. I agree with you on one thing, PC isn’t Payton because CSP was the head coach who had complete control over the offense. I am in the camp believing DA had way to much influence on the direction of the offense, for his reasons. So PC had to design around what DA wanted instead of what was best for personnel. I give PC benefit of the doubt but DA….nah