At the very least he would have been benched and the next week we would have brought in every FA RB for workouts. I was down on Allen during the year for showing a lack of leadership, especially his handling of Winston. That one really p?$$ed me off if he was benching him for poor play say that. I felt like he just used his health as an off ramp to bench a guy but sacking a guy for an injury looked even worse in my eyes (not that my opinion matters). It was almost a coward’s way out. That aside since the season ended I have come to the realization that no two coaches are the same. Not every coach puts cheese in his players lockers after a few easy wins or mirrors in them after a few losses. Not every coach publicly shames players for fumbling with a benching. Allen is his own guy with his own style. He may very well told Winston behind closed doors what was happening but for the public we got he was hurt and prehaps he did this to allow Winston to save face.