Canadian Super Pigs

Nope, shooting wild pigs causes reproduction to increase. Most sows can produce two litters per year of 5 to 6 piglets per litter, so basically 10 piglets per Sow. Each piglet reaches sexual maturity at 6 months, so you have babies making babies. Nationally we are over 9 million wild pigs with Louisiana hosting almost 10% of the nations wild pig population doing almost $100M per year in crop and property damage.

If you want population control, either poison or trap and relocate/kill in an area that is not also habited by pigs so the pheromone doesn't affect their breeding pattern.
When i was a kid, we used to trap them and kill 6 -10 at one time. We did kill them on site though, but i wonder if killing so many at once evened out the extra horniness, or if it just caused a massive orgy in the woods...

We were providing pretty much our whole community with sausage and bacon back then though, so i don't think we were concerned with overpopulation.