4 day work week coming to a job near you?...

i am not going to lie, i struggled usung all of my Vacation time when we switched to 4-10s. I usually used a couple weeks during the year on 1 day here, 1 day there to get errands , dr appts, etc. But after we switched to 4-10s it was different, 2 years ago my boss called me in late october and told me 1 had 14 days of vacation left i needed to schedule ( i already had Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks off). I didn't work a whole lot in Nov and Dec that year, since Vac days are use them or lose them..
New company this year (same job, life as a contractor) and i actually lost 1 week of vacation, but here we are at the end of Feb and i haven't used any of my 184 hours.
At the last sheriff's office I worked at, they gave us the option of cashing some of our vacation days around Christmas time in lieu of taking time off, kind of like a Christmas bonus that you paid to yourself with money you didn't really have.