Louisiana Law - is this considered inheritance, and is it taxable?

I have no idea why it went down this way. It seems like my f-in-l should’ve got 100% of the sale of his house. But it didn’t work out that way.
I know when my wife's uncle died, he had 3 children from 3 separate marriages. his current wife (along with their daughter) got to stay in the house for however long she wanted, only had to give up half if she sold. she did eventually sale, but one of his sons refused to sign off because he hated her and refused to even talk to her. I never asked what happened to that portion of the money. not sure if it's sitting in limbo the last few years or if she got it because he refused to accept it. now, it wasn't a ton of money, the profit from the house was probably under 100k.
I never think to ask my father in law what happened.
the last wife was kinda crazy. his mother is still alive and has like 300 acres of land in Arkansas. 50 acres for each sibling in her will. the wife thought she was entitled to that land because he was in the Will, but his mother was still alive. smh..

sorry for thread jacking...