I think retirement is a pipe dream...

Good for him being smart enough to work both sides of the grass.

I once was working a mentally grueling transaction with a younger lawyer and, IIRC, at one point he looked out at the conference room window at some landscape workers and said something like: "Man, they don't know how good they have it, working outside with the dirt in their hands and no mental stress." I just mentioned to him that more likely they were probably thinking the same thing about us in an air conditioned room with no physical element required.

Years later, that same young guy was working another deal and went out in front of his hotel to wait for his car pickup. There was a golf tournament at the time (the Westchester Classic) and one of the golfers (Vijay Singh IIRC) was waiting for his ride. As he told me the story, Singh was quite a number of strokes back at this time and, after standing there quietly for awhile, my friend's car came and as he was leaving with his big case of documents, he looked at Singh and said: "Isn't this something? We're both going to work." Singh came back to win the tournament, and my friend always took credit for putting him in the right frame of mind to win.
#4 and #6 in a list of careers with the highest job satisfaction and happiness are plumber and carpenter. Immediate results, things look/work better, no meetings or reports, leave for the day and you're done.

I **** you not, I'm considering a career change...again