I think retirement is a pipe dream...

I know they had that when he was there. He had the points when he was 55 or 56. he could have retired then, but rode it out like 5 more years. i remember him talking about it.

Funny story:
He told them 6 months in advance that he was retiring. He trained his replacenent before he left. About 6 months later, that guy got into a wreck and had to have multiple surgeries, Hip and knee. He was gonna miss a lot of time. They called my Father in Law back and wanted to know if he was intersted in returning while the guy was out. It was supposed to be like 3 months. It was gonna be through a temp service. They asked him what hs price would be. He told the $85/hr (he dealt with contracts all the time so he knew what the going rate was). He said they immediately agreed. he said if he knew they would accept so quickly, he would have asked for $100/hr. Well, that 3 months turned into almost a year. He said something about they have some kind of rule where retired employees were only allowed to work 6 months out of the year. he worked almost 6 months one year, then 6 months the next. it was like free money to him.
Plant retirees can make serious money coming back as a contractor. The going rate now is well in the hundreds per hour. Plus they can basically name their own schedule. Some might only work Tuesday to Thursday and still make more than they were making before retirement.