4 day work week coming to a job near you?...

If you are paid hourly how can people afford to only work 32 hours a week?
Also, I believe that you have to work a minimum of 36 a week to qualify for healthcare. If that's the case I could see why corporations would push for the 32, don't have to offer healthcare.
"Without reduction in pay" is at the heart of it. Same thing happened when the transition to 40 hour work schedule way back at the Ford plants. I know it seems crazy now, but the traditional 40 work week seemed crazy at one point as well. You look up work weeks back in the 1800's, especially in industry, and you wouldn't believe how much these people worked.

To me, this was always supposed to be part of the deal. As technology and efficiency improves, productivity goes up even as work hours go down. Of course as we know now, productivity, particularly in the US, is sky high but work hours are the same if not more. And all that productivity has just been siphoned in the form of profit.