I think retirement is a pipe dream...

Haha, definitely not suggesting that anyone shed a tear for the oil industry, but no one ever wants to talk about their balance sheets when the price of oil drops through the floor and the expenses and capital commitments don’t stop amidst cutthroat competition!
Not to mention COVID. My company had to take out billion dollar loans to make sure they had enough capital to weather the storm. Had the pandemic lasted longer or was more intense (more deaths and lockdowns), you would have seen some players possibly go bankrupt. It's crazy when you think about it. But some of it is on the company's way of handling money. Every corporation is looking out for the balance sheet and stock price. Instead of a slush fund with cash to weather a rainy day, they give it all to the shareholders. Stock goes up and everybody is happy, but you leave yourself venerable to an economic dip.

Oil companies made record bank last year. Inflation and supply/demand issues created a perfect storm and the crack spreads were ridiculous. Happy my company made money, but it sure put regular folks in a bind when gas is almost $5/gallon.