Alvin Kamara indicted. Court date is set for March 2.

I have a question. How does the other 3 other co defendants effect Kamara's plea deal? How cumbersome would it be to give all 4 defendants the same plea deal? Rather than just Kamara alone. I am just of the thinking that they put that 1yr min sentence there for a reason, and in a high profile case as this, it will be very hard to get a deal for a couple of football players and thier entourage.
I don't really know, but without question, the guy doing the stomping really complicates things for AK because I'm not sure the prosecution is going to be willing to agree to AK pleading down to a misdemeanor charge and avoid jail for something that serious. Even if conspiracy charge were dropped, AK is still on the hook for the actions of the guys with him. It might be possibly to argue that AK instigated the confrontation, and if that can be proven, I don't see him avoiding serious consequences.

I guess the question really is going to be how the confrontation started, which happened before they appeared on camera. I guess we'll find out when they appear for arraignment and hear what the actual changes will be. I'm assuming AK will plead not guilty and his legal team will then try to work a plea deal if one is not done before the arraignment date.