Derek Carr world tour thread (updated with combine visits)

That’s the problem, though. There isn’t any meaningful sample size with the nfl in its current state to show what’s right or wrong.

You could argue that things have changed so much so quickly that your Seahawks example is also outdated.

So, anyway, back to the topic. I’d like to see us get Carr or another good QB so Allen has every chance to succeed this year. If we win? Awesome. If we don’t? Loomis will see he has no choice.
I understand your opinion here and would love to see everything work out, but if I had to bet I’d say that Carr, even if signed, will not be enough to right the DA ship. And sinking $35-40 mil a year (when it’s all averaged out) could also make the inevitable transition to the next era a longer and more difficult process.

It will be great if the hope gods grant your wishes, but everything I have seen since the DA era started makes it seem unlikely.