Semper's Stupendous to Infinity and Beyond Everything Marvel Movie/TV Thread

Yeah, I agree with a lot of that. I think slowing down and getting this right is wise. I'm as big an MCU supporters as you will find and I haven't hated anything they've released since Endgame, but it hasn't really felt that same since then. Not like bad or anything, but I think maybe it's too much too fast. Instead of cranking out more, slow the pace down and up the quality.

Also, I love slap stick humor as much as the next guy, but there needs to be some consequences and weight to what the post-Endgame MCU looks like. Thor as a movie on it's own was fine, but I didn't feel like it advanced the big picture narrative.

I want to see a bit darker, angry Thor who lays down the law sometimes. It current iteration is gone from funny to kinda funny, to cheesy, to almost cringey.

And the feeling for me is the whole post-Endgame series has felt muddled and out of sorts. Need to start tying some of the overarching themes together and turn down the spigot a bit. I'd rather a few hits than a bunch of marginal offerings.
They set up the mother of all redemption arcs with Thor and then didn't simply fail to deliver on it, they *pissed* all over it and continued to do so.
When you spend a decade creating *heroes* don't be surprised if fans lose interest when you turn on them and make them into weak, cringey dooshcanoes.