COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]
for what it's worth
A new study published in
Environmental Research and Public Health suggests that individuals who struggle with problem-solving and demonstrate absolutist thinking, political conservatism, and xenophobia are more likely to refuse to get vaccinated. These findings indicate that a focus on improving problem-solving skills may result in improvements in public health due to higher vaccination rates............
The collected data showed that those with lower problem-solving ability and high socio-cognitive polarization were more likely to score low on measures of vaccine acceptance. Low problem-solving skills may represent a risk factor for vaccine refusal, with “cognitive and social rigidity playing a crucial role in undermining the decision to accept the COVID-19 vaccine.”
The data also revealed the close relationship between high socio-cognitive polarization and vaccine refusal. For example, those high in absolutist thinking or unable to consider situations as nuanced were more likely to be hesitant to vaccinate their children. In addition, those with very right-leaning political values were more likely to be anti-vaccination. Combined, these findings illuminate the potential connection between problem-solving ability, socio-cognitive rigidity, and vaccine hesitancy or refusal.
The research team acknowledged that their use of the internet prevented demographics without technological access from participating in the study. This may mean their results are slightly skewed. Additionally, the cross-sectional design of the study prevents direct cause-and-effect conclusions..............