Cant say with 100% certainty since China would not allow ANY outside organization in to investigate.
So we are left with summations - which im not entirely comfortable making a definitive decision on.
The official story was based on prior novel virus outbreaks...ebola, MERS, SARS etc. All natural and well within the parameters of COVID 19 following same pathway. And since there was no ability to investigate, government(s) took the stance of applying the more probable cause ( based in historical events ) vs summation.
Now, 3 years later, we STILL are "best guessing" because NO ONE has investigated and determined 100% it was the LAB.
And for arguments sake, lets say government DID know....came from Wuhan Lab. Telling us back in 2021 changes what? Your trust in government? Thats it?
Im sure they dont care lol.