COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]
I'm not sure it was even that. When China was identified as the country of origin Asian hate crimes shot up like 8000%
and that's when people thought covid was from someone eating a bat, if it was confirmed that this was an intentionally engineered virus for potential use as a bioweapon who knows what would have happened
and the DOE still says they have low confidence in the report, which I took to mean as natural origin was still far more likely
and I've always thought this and probably posted it earlier, i think much of the origin debate was a way to distract from all the mismanagement that came afterwards
If all the anti mask, anti vax, anti mandate, misinformation, free Michigan, etc. was going to happen exactly the same way if we knew for an absolute fact it was a natural virus as if we knew for an absolute fact it was from a lab why spend so much effort trying to figure out where it came from during the middle of the chaos? we had much bigger fish to fry
I understand why it's an important question, and one that needs to be addressed but, i always felt it was a deflection