COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

The importance of finding the origin is about preventing the next one.

If one of 100 nuclear power plants with the same design has a meltdown tomorrow it’s important to know whether it was a design flaw or a terrorist act. Even if everyone gets radiation poisoning no matter what.

so are we mad at the experts or wanting to prevent the next outbreak?

or both?

Im all about the latter. Said as much going back to 2021 when the first post was started in Jan. Its not a "blame game" at this point- its a matter of protection ( lab vs natural - what can we do better in either situation? )

But in order to do this, China needs to be on board. They arent. So how do you propose to get them on board?

They blocked any and all communications regarding the new virus back to Dec 2020. ONly when someone posted a "WeChat" of a Chinese doc did things pick up - Chinese govt did EVERYHTING it could to block leaking info from inside China, and by the time they realized they couldnt stop, the horse was out the barn.

NOW we get into the geopolitical aspect of pulling China into a "world" democracy- something they want NO PART of. To want to CARE about not only their own, but every other human on the planet. However, as we have seen, they have little to no desire to care for their own, much less the world population. Its a communist state. Xi is the authoritarian ruler and is bound by no borders with respect to operating in his own ( China ) interest.

Nuclear Power plants are overseen by the IAEA- they are allowed anywhere at anytime. Do we give WHO the same "clout"? And if a government like China flat our refuses entry, then what?

Lots of moving parts that all have to come together, in unison, to work properly.