COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]
i am of the position that folks well above my pay grade are making plans/determinations as to what to do next.
We entrust our government to handle, as they see fit. If we dont care for results, we vote.
Except, I don't see the approaches changing too terribly much even if a majority of Americans got pissed by our government not doing enough to handle or get to the bottom of who forked up, where it originated, or how do we punish a foreign government for its gross negligence, mass-scale stupidity, and sloppiness that infected and killed tens of millions people and irrevocably damaged, altered countless lives. Electing new leaders or a new admininistration wouldn't necessarily being awareness or accountability because there are global, geopolitical issues that supersede what Joe Biden or hell, even Donald Trump would like or wish they could do. One is international trade, geopolitical or military alliances or free-trade agreements.
Even if China is guilty as sin and our government's response is pathetically lukewarm or ineffective, or insufficient, simply electing or voting a new president or senators or congressman won't necessarily change or alter the problem and Chinese leaders likely know that and or counting on that calculation, their hands are likely tied even if their personally pissed. You can cut off Russia from the world economy because their irrational, meglomaniacal dictator is annoyed or pissed a once-historical and culturally diverse region as Ukraine doesn't want to be part of Russia anymore and decides to invade, maybe gas prices and wheat prices shoot up somewhat but the damage, long-term, can be largely mitigated. Cut off China from the world stage and the immense, extensive financial, technological benefits and partnerships they produce for our globalised economy, you'd be amazed at what 99.9% of most Western politicians and leaders are willing to let them get away with. Voting doesn't change these sets of equatations in our country's political system.
The complexities and nuances of international trade in of itself exists as its own separate issue and doesn't really take into consideration whether one country is an authoritian dictatorship, a parliamentary democracy, or a representative government(which is what the U.S. is and what most of our Founding Fathers wanted and intended).