Semper's Stupendous to Infinity and Beyond Everything Marvel Movie/TV Thread

Marvel needs to:
A: Stop crippling, nerfing, ignoring their established, popular characters. (Looking at Dr Strange, Thor and Hulk)
B: introduce some characters about whom we give a flying fart, with interesting stories to tell.
And C: if you're going to tell a long, ongoing character arc, the character has to *change*. We were set up for a brash, goodhearted but un-empathetic Thor to become a wise, heroic King of Asgard after Ragnarok and Infinity War, but he's reverted to being a dooshbro joke.
Dr Strange got two movies where he gets birch-slapped by the bad guys for two hours and wins by convincing the BBG to give up.
The less said about Hulk, the better.