A positive way to look at the Carr signing

Are you speaking from Sportscasters or on this board?

Because you only have to go a couple of pages on any of the Carr threads from yesterday to find some chicken littles crying out "bad contract," "lousy QB," "Loomis has lost it," etc.; though, fortunately, there doesn't seem to be a whole ton of those posts, at least.

Personally, I don't see any negatives. This is a great message to the whole team as well as the fans that the FO has every intention of doing what it takes to make this team as strong as possible and get them the tools to get to a Super Bowl.

MT's tweet tells me all I need to know. The players are pumped, and they really haven't been since Drew. Carr is a fiery dude, and the players are really going to respond. This is going to be a very different team and a very different vibe from the last couple of years. It's going to be fun to watch.