The discussion will never move forward with you. You just enjoy being the discenting .01% that rejects anyone's attempts to give you a better understanding.
At the end of the day, it's all moot though. The actual cap experts on the team's payroll speak for us enough.
You can just continue to be on the same hill as Nick Wright, while those of us that actually understand what's happening move forward and accept it.
I’m providing concrete facts to support what I’m saying, and the response is usually the hand waving like the above. I’m not dissenting for the sake of dissent, I’m pointing out the reality of the cap and how the Saints have historically managed it.
At the end of the day, there is a divide between two groups on this board. One believes we can sign anyone at any time with no limit, the second group accepts that limits exist. The second group is right.
It’s not the worst thing in the world to say we have limits, and the way the discussion can move forward is to discuss ideas on how the Saints operate within those limits. I’ve posted plenty the last week or so on moves that could be made, or moves that the FO did well to manage the constraints.
Or we can say that so and so on the Saints knows better, so discussion is useless and no one is allowed to question it. In that case, might as well shut down the board, because every single member of the Saints organization from Dennis Allen on down has more experience than the average SR poster and therefore should be above criticism.