The Mandalorian discussion thread

Is it just me or does it strike anyone else just how much the Mandalorians mirror Judaism in the way their culture has been portrayed?

1. They are diaspora scattered throughout the galaxy
2. Their home was destroyed by "the Empire" in punishment, effectively squashing them as a threat to "the Empire"
3. The "faithful sect" cover their heads at all times, and believe uncovering their head in public breaks their law (creed)
4. The same seems to be true about their armor, much like a tallus always being worn
5. The faithful memorize and recite the law (creed)
6. Those who have broken the law must "bathe in living water" to be cleansed of their iniquity (it was this theme over the first two episodes this season that really made me notice all of this).
7. I can't really say what age the kid was supposed to be who was standing in the water declaring his fealty to the creed and receiving his helmet at the beginning of episode 1, but he looked to be about 12, the age when a boy is considered ready to be considered a man, and so receives the bar mitzvah.

I didn't see these parallels in The Clone Wars series, but in The Mandalorian series, the parallels have been impossible to ignore and I wonder if it is on purpose (surely?) - or do they really not realize just how much they've mirrored here?

Star Wars borrowed heavily from Dune. Almost everything you mentioned is in those books. Beskar coming from one planet remind you of anything?