The Playmaker Michael Irvin Pulled from All Super Bowl Coverage/NFL Network (09/14 EDIT: Irvin settles his defamation suit w/hotel, returns to NFLN)

Let's flip this over, MM. Tell me what you think about this. My wife and I went to exchange an item at Wallyworld. I told the cashier wahat I was trying to do, and she put the item aside when I went to see if they had another one. When I got back in line, a younger cashier came from behind the counter and asked if I she could help. I told her that the other cashier had already started the process. At the time, it didn't seem strange, but afterwards, I was wondering why she came from behind the counter and asked me, but didn't ask the person in front of me. Moreso, why leave your register. When my turn came, I finished my transaction, then as we were leaving the area, my wife grabbed me by a back belt loop and jerked me towards her. This caught me off guard, because she never did that before. When I asked her why, so said that the two cashiers were standing there and gawking at me like she was non-existant. I had never looked up to notice any of it happening. She definitely had to feel disrespected for her to react like that.
Everybody knows how thirsty the Wallyworld girls are.