Okay, at this point I feel like I speak for the board when I say that we officially need pictures of mikedre. It seems like we might have a dime piece in our midst. Just driving the ladies wild and forcing them to oggle him everywhere he goes! Mike you say you consider yourself average but it sounds like you might just be working with something my dude.
Let us see what you're working with and maybe we could give you some tips on how to play it down. For instance, do you wear cowboy boots? That could be a big part of your problem right there. The moment you slide on a pair of cowboys boots you are announcing to the world that you are a full grown man and you don't care who knows it. Do you wear tight black leather jeans? Any tattoos we should know about? Do you have a cool eyebrow scar? Do you always rock a 5 o'clock shadow like George Michael in the video for Faith? Do you wear Aviator sunglasses? Ray-ban Wayfarers? O